I sometimes ponder the question of why I like to run so much. I have been asked occasionally and I never have a succinct answer. I guess it depends on what's happening in my life at the time. I have been running regularly since college. I have run through my single days, early marriage, pregnancies, post pregnancies, a death, toddlers, kids old enough to babysit, teenagers, and now almost empty nest (not quite!). Although I have never competed seriously, as my kids have gotten older, my running habit has become more serious with more focused training for marathons. Eventually I would like to progress to the ultra marathon.
When I'm not running, I'm often thinking about, reading about, and watching running. As I was driving home from Ely today, even though I had already gone on a trail run with my husband, I found myself wishing I was out on the trail. Having lived here for over 20 years, I know that road like the back of my hand. My first indelible memories of that trip to and from Ely involved pregnancy doctor visits. The first warm days of spring always remind me of those trips as the warm sun shines on me with views of the spring high desert out my car windows. I am instantly transported back to 1990. Now so long ago but yet as if it were just yesterday. My mind wanders to the countless runs through so many varied life experiences in our little desert town. Will I lose the past if I stop running? Will it become even more distant? Probably not, but I"m not going to stop any time soon. For now, it's just who I am. Ask me tomorrow why I run and I might have a different answer.
Hard to believe school was cancelled on Tuesday and we were up in the hills running on fairly dry roads by Saturday! |
Enjoying a city run on the beautiful Linden trail |
One of our favorite runs on the deer trail |