So, last week I talked about the little things that I could do to improve in the injury reduction department (i.e. boriiiiiing). I know. I have faithfully done my PT exercises and I feel like my foot is improving. I have long known that one of the reasons I run is to have an excuse to eat more (i.e. sugar!) I would like to think that I love running more, but sugar is easier and just as rewarding for me. One of my favorite holidays is Valentine's Day. I wish I could say that it is because of the love, but I would be fooling myself. I mean I just ordered over 10 lbs. of candy to "give to my family" (sorry I poisoned you family). Needless to say, I had a lot left over. I kept thinking of how I could get rid of it, but I just couldn't bring myself to pawn it off on someone else so I did the brave thing and threw the rest of it in the garbage. Believe me, that first night I was tempted to dumpster dive. None of this is easy for me to admit.
I really haven't given my sugar intake much of a thought, other than when I occasionally track my eating through My Fitness Pal. I notice that I routinely go over my allotted sugar grams. I just figured that if I burn more calories than I eat then I'm okay, right? Well . . . I had a chiropractor appointment this week (my neck and shoulders have been bothering me, but that's another story). My chiropractor expressed concern that I was not making the progress that he thought I should even though I faithfully preform my PT exercises for that condition also. Then he asked an interesting question. "What is your sugar intake like?:" BOOM! That caught me completely off guard. I stammered and stuttered admitting that it could probably use some improvement. Paradigm shift. I began to wonder if maybe these annoying injuries might improve quicker if I make a concerted effort to watch my sugar intake. Okay, you are hearing from a sugarholic. Is this doable for me? Am I going to be a stinker to live with? How long will the suffering last before I break my addiction? I read an article about the benefits of cutting back on sugar. I was surprised or maybe I had been in denial about the reasons sugar reduction is a good thing.
So this past Thursday, February 18, 2016, I began my sugar reduction odyssey. My go-to treat after my midnight custodial shift, before bed, crossword nightcap is some sugar filled snack. I really look forward to it. I had a yogurt. It was Greek. It was low sugar. I was unsatisfied. But I made it and went to sleep without going over my sugar intake. Yea! Weekends are another challenge, especially Sundays when I am hanging around the house all day. So far I have made it through Saturday. We'll see how Sunday goes. I can report that it is getting slightly easier and I have to be really creative about what I think of as a snack. I have just always thought of snacks as something sweet. It is rewarding to see my sugar intake stay below the recommendation. Well, I have made this public so there is no turning back. I'll check in next week and let you know if I notice any improvements. Maybe I should have my husband report if I am a pill to live with.
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ReplyDeleteSugar, how I wish I never knew ye! The struggle is real and I feel your pain! Ugh! I hear Whole30 talked about with high regard and there are lots of success stories getting off sugar. Maybe check it out? Sure hope you continue to see improvement in your recovery and you're back to running soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lesly,
DeleteYeah I looked up the Whole30. I'm not sure I want to go so extreme just yet. I'll work on the sugar thing first and see how it goes.
Mom. I admire you a lot. I know this isn't the first time you've tried to go sugar free. I remember you doing it when I was in high school too. That has really stuck with me as I try to motivate myself to do hard things. I'm really grateful to have parents who show me the way. I could definitely do with less sugar. I try really hard to just avoid buying it but then I find searching the house for anything- marshmallows, chocolate chips, etc. I'll have to ask dad how your mood has been. :) I know I get grumpy when I don't get what I want. Your BOOM! was perfectly placed, by the way. That made me laugh out loud. I love reading your posts.