Austin trails

Austin trails

Friday, January 15, 2016

It's epic 2016!

Since my last post, I have run 4 more marathons and still have not figured this distance out yet. I am not calling it quits, but I do want to focus on some other goals for awhile. I may or may not return to gain better understanding of the marathon. Out of the seven marathons I have run, I feel pretty good about two of them. The first St. George marathon in 2010  in which I conquered the distance and my third marathon at St. George where I had a 17 minute PR. I have since run 2 more PRs, but they weren't enjoyable experiences, not that I would characterize marathons as enjoyable, but I just didn't get into the "groove" during the race. I still haven't totally figured out fueling and pacing.
2012 St. George Marathon

So, onward and upward. For 2016, Brita, Wendy Bill and I, aka "Guster's Army" are combining our miles this year to total 2016. We've already accomplished our first 100.

Another unofficial goal I have made is to get to and from work without motorized power. I am a night custodian and my job is a mile from home. So far I've accomplished that for more than a year now. My thoughtful husband often texts me to offer me a ride, but I have to turn him down.
My running buddy

Lately it's been cold and snowy so my mode of transportation has been on foot. When the pavement is dry, I ride my bike to work. 

And now . . . (drum roll here) for my final epic running goal of 2016, I would like to run 52, yes 52 miles ON my birthday. Yes, you read that right, 52 miles on my birthday.  Insert your favorite interjection here. Why 52? Believe it or not, I will be turning 52 this year. How am I going to accomplish this you might be wondering? Well, I will have to train for it like any other event.  I will have to stay healthy by focusing on staying injury free and taking recovery more seriously than I have before. I'm not going for speed here. I have 24 hours to accomplish this goal. Usually, I would not tell anyone about this, but by letting this crazy idea escape the deep dark recesses of my brain, I guess I will really be making this a serious goal. I have 16 weeks, I better get started . . . 


  1. You never cease to amaze me! You are awesome!! And no, I can't believe that you'll be turning 52 this year. For one reason, you are more active than most youth. But, what I can believe is that you'll do it because you seem to accomplish anything you put your mind to. I'm so proud of you!!! Signed, Super Woman's sister

  2. Holy crap mom! You weren't joking about the whole ultra thing. I don't think you're going to need dad, Brita and I to get to 2016 this year. But you've given me a good idea for a running goal this year! Keep the blog posts coming. :)
