I have been to Las Vegas many many times and every time I go I think, "Okay, this is the time I will find a more scenic, less dangerous route to run." I mean running down Boulder Highway with cars whizzing by you at 60mph, passing unsavory characters, running past a sewage plant, and crossing busy roads does have it's adrenalin rush. But, I prefer a little less stress when I run. Which is why I balked at my husband Bill's suggestion that we run down the strip Saturday morning. I've trusted his judgement before, i.e. the sewage plant. So, I was a little hesitant. Anyway, aside from a scary for me jaywalking incident, I found it to be very enjoyable. It wasn't very crowded and there were other fellow runners enjoying the early dawn before all of the tourists and characters turn out. You get a good workout going up and over the stairs and walkways, so traffic is really not an issue and you can keep a pretty good pace with few interruptions. It also allows for some good photo opportunities. 

Our team, Guster, has now run over 200 miles, well on our way to accomplish our goal of running 2016 miles this year. Good job, guys! Keep up the good work!
As for my goal of running 52 miles on my birthday, Bill has suggested that I do that on Saturday instead of on my actual birthday so that others can join me. I will take that under consideration, Also, I would like to run for more than just myself. If you have any ideas I would appreciate it. It would be great to get more people involved and make it count for something bigger.
The sewage plant- haha! Dad has taken me in some interesting runs too. What was this jaywalking incident?! Our team is over 200 miles thanks to YOU, mom. :) I haven't contributed much lately. I think the Saturday thing is a good idea. I could probably walk like 52 meters or something by that point. 😀